September 17, 2022 is recognized as National Physician Suicide Awareness Day (#NPSADay). #NPSADay is a reminder and call to action to help everyone prevent physician suicide. It’s a time to talk — and to act — so physicians’ struggles don’t become mental health emergencies. We can all help prevent physician suicide by learning the signs, starting the conversations, understanding the underlying barriers and sharing the resources that can help those in distress seek mental healthcare.
SafeHaven is committed to raising awareness of the physician suicide epidemic and providing real solutions.
The program provides physicians and clinicians a discreet, confidential set of resources so they can stay well, avoid burnout, and connect to their purpose. The law protects information, including proceedings, minutes, records, and reports, and communications, written and oral, originating in SafeHaven as privileged.
Additional Resources and Reading
Learn more about the work of SafeHaven and enroll today. Plus, visit to learn more about ways to take action on #NPSADay, and use #NPSADay to spread the word today.